Issac Newton was a physicist, mathematician,astronomer and natural philosopher.
Wow! That's a lot of jobs.
I probably could not handle that.
Let's see Issac Newton was British.
Issac was born on the 4th of January in the year 1643.
According to a educational video Issac Newton was about to become a farmer.
But instead he discovered the law of gravity from an apple.
I mean a APPLE?????? He discovered something from a dumb apple! lol.
Ahem! Sorry for the breakdown.
Okay! he learned that gravity is the motion that pushes stuff down, Not up.
If there's more gravity things go down if there's not things go up.
I mean gravity was always here but Newton just named it.
Why is somebody famous for inventing the word gravity.
Okay he is a Capricorn and a 6 by spirituality.
And there's no more to say.
And his first name was NOT Sir.
And he was mom-suspended from school and that's how he was almost a farmer.
He has cool hair. lol